I found this photo the other day while walking my labradoodle, Mara.
Who is Mike?
The photo has a story, I’m sure.

I found it along the back road behind the duplex where I live in downtown Salt Lake City. The area is frequented by homeless folks, living in tents under the overpass just down the block.
Why is it wrapped in aluminum foil? The electrician’s tape stuck to the back was probably used to stick and unstick it quickly. Probably temporarily.
Did it fall accidentally or did someone find a bag and discard the photo while quickly rummaging through it for something more expedient?
I wonder why this particular photo is the one the owner carried around? Is it the only photo of Mike that existed?
Pompadours were popular for a time but never since. I wonder if the style was an embraced absurdity even then? Like New Year’s resolutions (or resolutions of any kind), lotteries, carnivals, circuses, fairs.
Who is Mike?