Blind Mime Ensemble – Six On Sunday (6 songs, 22:19) – “Blind Mime Ensemble is the home recording plume thing for Bryan Baker. Several folks at had been talking about doing one of these things so I figured I’d give it a shot too. Turned out to be harder than I thought, but I made it. Napping doesn’t help. Writing lyrics for 6 songs is tough, but it gets easier once delirium hits. Sweet, sweet delirium. Shouting gets rough as well. I resorted to milk for My Addiction. Also it’s a good idea to know that drumming after midnight is gonna lose you some points with the neighbors probably. Not that it matters.”
This was made in response to a challenge from the Crapart website to record an album in a day. Now, twenty-years later the website is a little long toothy but still active with participants, but the albums other people send in are fun to look through. Lots of them are really good. Hopefully you like mine too.