The following are several old reviews and links.
Sitting on a corn flake…Sunday, February 09, 2003
REVIEW: Bryan Baker – BLIND MIME CONFESSIONS, VOL1: Anyone who has followed the antics of the home-taper/producer “underground” over the last 20-25 years will know that Bryan runs GAJOOB, “HOMEMADEMUSIC” & several other web/print-based activities that have formed cornerstones for the independent music community. What many do/may not know is that Baker also plays… and quite masterfully, I might add! He has included solo pieces, mixes he’s made and also includes several collaborative pieces… my favorite on the CD is “Ache”, (track 3) which includes Scott Carr, DeVico, Kelli Wise & John McCoy, via the TapeGerm Collective… this tune rocks, people! ‘nother interesting piece is cut 6, “I’m Watching”, with Gregg Allen (once again, via the TapeGerm Collective)… this suckah’ literally throbs with excitement! With alll th’ different styles represented here, you can’t go wrong. This is one of the best collections of Baker’s work to date…. for listeners who want to expand their musical horizons, and hear what’s gonna’ be happening tomorrow, this gets a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! GREAT stuph! Contact via Bryan’s pages at –Rotcod Zzaj posted at 7:04 AM
Thursday, January 16, 2003
Well, how cool is this. Blind Mime Ensemble has the Number One song on the SoundClick Electronica/Acid chart today! Check it out!! posted at 11:27 AM
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Blind Mime Ensemble’s track with Tapegerm, “I Love My Machine,” is currently #2 on the Electronica/Acid Chart at SoundClick. Go check it out! posted at 5:43 AM
Monday, January 13, 2003
Please check out Blind Mime Ensemble’s newly updated page at SoundClick. You can see the cover art for the upcoming CD release, Elementary Penguins, there. posted at 4:32 AM
Friday, January 10, 2003
I was wondering what was up with one of my favorite recording artists, Michael J. Bowman, and took a look at his web site where he has a tremendously detailed bio posted now (along with 100’s of songs you can hear).
He’s got a little bit about yours truly:
“Bryan Baker is somewhat of a Che Guevara or Leon Trotsky of the hometaper movement. He publishes the zine Gajoob, in which thousands of home recording artists have found a place to hear, be heard and collaborate. Bryan had helped me launch not only my hometaping career back in 1990, but also my Internet business, by providing me with the crucial server space necessary for such an enterprise. In 2000 he invited me to join Tapegerm, an Internet recording collective. The genius of Tapegerm was that it took the collaborative model of the hometaper/USPS scene and re-invented it as a digital, Internet based collaboration. This was a real paradigm shift. Each of the member artists were required to submit soundbites, small digital files, into a pool on the Internet. We each then downloaded the samples that interested us, used them to create longer pieces, and either published those or re-posted them to the pool for further manipulation. Bryan set up an account at where Tapegerm’s creations are still being disseminated worldwide.”
Go to Mike’s site now.
And HERE you’ll find several CD’s you can buy from posted at 9:54 AM
Sunday, December 08, 2002
Some comments on the new Blind Mime Confessions Vol. 1 CD:
“Whoa…I’m listening to the compilation CD Bryan Baker sent…and I am so impressed… Bryan’s music is powerful and rich, just excellent. Is that you singing, Bryan? Wow… reading the liner notes it looks like some of these songs are works in process, some were finished in a morning?!? Amazing.” –Lynda Johnson
“…great sound in the production and nice voice as Lynda pointed out.” –Joanie Beauposted at 7:43 AM
Friday, October 18, 2002
You can get the newest CD of material from yours truly It’s just $1! posted at 6:09 AM