Dead Man’s Finger Is a Game

Dead Man’s Finger is a game dad’s play with kids.

“Have you ever felt a dead man’s finger?” the dad says to a kid.

Surprised, the kid says, “No.”

“I’ll show you,” says the dad.

The hand of one person is held in another person’s hand with the index fingers facing and touching.

“Rub our fingers,” says the dad.

It’s dead.




dabodab is conglomeration of websites published by Briyan Frederick (aka Bryan Baker) which are now joined together here on dabodab. GAJOOB, Tapegerm, Homemade Music, Discover Zines, The Joy of Print, Local Historical and others, each categorized into topics below. read more.


The prospect of actually remixing a real song was quite exiting, and revived the feeling I had when I would finish one of those early songs and realise I actually created something new, even if it sounded terrible.Polish Rhino

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