Category: Uncategorized

  • Laugh so hard the stars shake in their constallations

    Laugh so hard the stars shake in their constallations

    In the theatre of the cosmos, laughter pirouettes, a mad comet’s ballet.Stars tremble in their celestial tapestry, tickled by the moon’s whispers.The sun, a giddy spectator, spills its radiant giggles across the universe.Fractured light dances, a symphony of nonsensical harmonies echoing in the void.Galaxies spin, dizzy with mirth, as planets join the cosmic charade.Jupiter winks…

  • Purple stuff, elephant twirls making sunshine dance

    Purple stuff, elephant twirls making sunshine dance

    Purple stuff, elephant twirls making sunshine danceShimmering labradoodles doodle oodling mists of chicken queens and daffodilsFun scribbles on the moon while the un-banana sings to the rhythm of a canPolka-dot melodies whispering in the ears of the square raindropsThe laughing clock chases the shy cheese around the rainbowCan you hear the echo of the silent…