Anton Mobin & Harold Schellinx – EC Split 20 (Digital, 2020)



These 24 ‘lullabies for a sick world’ were composed and recorded (in the months August, September and October of this so dramatic year 2020) by Anton Mobin and Harold Schellinx. They were made in pairs, using what they call the ‘intersection principle’, a working method that resulted in these 2 x 12 highly personal compositions, all in the respective authors very own style, that, however, pairwise have a ‘melodic’ overlap -their intersection- and the exact same duration.

Think of these intersections as the spines of a species of two-winged creatures, where each wing corresponds to one of the two corresponding pieces. But as the creature may flap and fold its wings, there is, as a consequence a third dimension: you may collapse each pair into a third one, the mix or union of the two … For more information see the pdf file that comes with the digital download, or visit

GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker:

“EC Split 20” by Anton Mobin & Harold Schellinx is an experimental sonic journey that immerses the listener in an intricate world of soundscapes. Released in 2020, the duo presents 24 compositions, referred to as ‘lullabies for a sick world’, reflecting the turbulent times they were created in.

The album’s construction employs what Mobin and Schellinx call the ‘intersection principle’, a unique method where each pair of tracks shares a melodic overlap and identical duration. This results in a fascinating interplay between the two pieces, akin to a creature flapping its wings, as described by the artists themselves.

The beauty of “EC Split 20” lies in its distinctiveness. Each track carries the unmistakable imprint of its respective author, yet the shared ‘melodic’ overlap creates a sense of cohesion that binds the album together. The result is a collection of compositions that are deeply personal yet interconnected, creating a listening experience that is both intimate and expansive.

Furthermore, the possibility of collapsing each pair into a third track adds an additional layer of depth to the album. This innovative approach encourages active participation from the listener, allowing for a unique, personalized interpretation of the music.

“EC Split 20” is a testament to the creative prowess of Anton Mobin & Harold Schellinx. Their innovative approach to composition and their ability to create profound connections between their individual works make this album a remarkable piece of art. It’s a must-listen for anyone interested in exploring the boundaries of sound and melody.

Media: Digital.

Visit Hal McGee / HalTapes / Electronic Cottage

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