(cassette, 1994)
GAJOOB Review by Bryan Baker, 10/13/1994:
After several years of experiencing Mathes’ music second-hand through Carl Howard’s great audiofile Tapes music label, Mr. Mathes himself sends me his newest tape (which will also be carried by aT) finding him continuing to explore territory mined in previous excursions. Mathes’ music is decidedly analog synthesizer -based. You’ll hear lots of bleeps and warbles and spacey waveforms of various types. Occasional use of found tapes accompany the proceedings, notably an entire piece of manipulated speech that has Sergent Friday lecturing on the evils of Marijauna. Those of you who like the analog synth sound will love Mathes’ work — it’s exceptional. “Galaxyagogo” is a bit more subdued, a bit more distant than his previous “Obsolete Man” which took some liberties with Industrial tones — this release doesn’t. Recommended.
Media: cassette.
CONTACT: Arnold Mathes, Brooklyn, USA
GAJOOB Collection, No. 798