Issue #1 — September 27, 1994
A weekly listing of DiY recording information, distributed freely over the internet every Tuesday evening. We welcome your input. Please send any relevent info of interest to DiY recording artists. To receive this list, send e-mail and let us know you want to be added to the mailing list. To be taken off the mailing list, do the same, except tell us you wish to be dropped from the mailing list. There is no list server for this list, so there is no need to follow any specific guidelines when writing.
GAJOOB reviews DiY submissions. Send cassettes, vinyl, CDs, VHS and 8mm video to: GAJOOB Magazine, PO Box 3201, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110.
This list serves as a supplement to GAJOOB Magazine (paper edition). Sample issue: $3.50 ppd. Subscriptions: $15/6 issues.
GAJOOB Magazine’s DiY Recording List is not copyrighted and may be freely distributed in any format — in fact, such distribution is hereby encouraged!
Europe plus Izhevsk is home to “Rodezia Plus,” a program dedicated to alternative music only. The program is broadcasted once a week on Thursday evening and looking for new music to play. “Europe Plus Izhevsk” is the only radio station in Udmurtia except one AM powerful station which belongs to State Radio and TV Company “Udmurtia”. This “Udmurtia” station carries only one 1 hour per week music program, so “Europe plus Izhevsk” does not have to fight against a field of music programs. Some bands from the States like Violet Arcana, Brother Grimm, Another Roadside Attraction, Thine Eyes, Indian Rope Burn, MISS, Sinkhole, D.A.C. Crowell, Brassahol, Shrapnel, Fastbacks, D.D.T. etc have offered their CDs and tapes and have received public attention.The station’s audience is reportedly “really excited to hear anything from the West that differs from usual eMpTiVish crap” – yes, this damn thing has invided their screens too. Here is the address: Europe Plus Izhevsk FM, c/o Dmitri Bender, Music Director of Rodezia Plus program, 8-100, Mayskaya str., Izhevsk 426000, RUSSIA; email: or
A new newsgroup, ALT.MUSIC.4-TRACK, has been created, devoted to all 4-track recording enthusiasts. In it will be everything from recording techniques/tips to discussions about 4-track lo-fi “stars” like Lou Barlow (Sebadoh/Sentridoh), Bill Callahan (Smog), Eric’s Trip, Mac (Superchunk/Portastatic) and many others. So come on over and get involved.
BYPASS is a UK based reveiw magazine, similar in ways to factsheet 5, concentrating as much as possible on zine and small press activiy in europe. Contributors recive a copy of the issue there publication appears in, but a request is made for 36p stamps for UK contributors. Overseas submissions 2 IRCs (International Reply Coupons) or $2. This is to cover postage. Finances would make it impossible otherwise, a breakdown of accounts are available on request…….we reckon we can just about continue at this zero profit rate but we a pretty sure we won’t be taking too many expensive holidays in Cambodia this year. Bypass can be contacted at Box B, 111 Magdalen Rd, Oxford England UK.
FORREST TOBEY is presently composing a sonata for digital keyboard and computer which allows the computer to respond to my playing and react in musical ways. He is running his own midi software on the mac and using the peavey C8 as the controller. He’ll be giving a performance in Baltimore in January of 1995, and would like to include other composers’ works. If you are someone working in the area of keyboard-computer live interactive performance, and you are interested in having your work performed, Email for more info. [Forrest Tobey (
SPILLING AUDIO COMPILATION UPDATE: The following compilations are now in progress and you are encouraged to send your sounds for inclusion: DRUM vol. 4 – The fourth DRUM compilation will be a C-90 release with a focus on percussive sounds. Volume 3 is being mastered this weekend. SCRATCH – The first volume in this series, SCRATCH, is a C-90 compilation which features unconventional sounds produced from homemade instruments, found devices, non-musical devices. This tape is half done. So far, contributors include Dimthingshine, Mike Hovancsek, John Herron, Big City Orchestra, Steven Dressler, Qubais Reed Ghazala, Duke Andrews & Jacky Ligon, Don Malone, Okaniwa Fumihiro. IS IT ANY WONDER – A one shot compilation of cover songs by David Bowie. Anyone who can correctly guess how many versions of “Fame” are received gets a copy of the tape of their choice. LIVE! – The first in a series of compilations which only includes tracks that were recorded live. Contributors as of this date include: Mother Inferior, Ancient Chinese Secret, The Conspiracy, Amscray Amok, Locust Pudding, Paul Guerguerian & Mike Hovancsek, Industrial Hillbillys, Bichos, and Jacky Ligon-Duke Andrews-Andy Wall-Brad Newell…….. All contributors will receive a copy of the finished K7. Each track should be under six minutes in length and sent on a cassette to: Eric Hausmann, Spilling Audio, P.O. Box 24592, Jacksonville, FL 32241; email:
Dave Zachritz is the Production Manager at a college radio radio station (KRCX, Regis University – Denver, Colorado) and would be more than happy to play people’s demos. Email him at and he’ll be happy to give you the address to send a sample of your work and a fact sheet (It’d be nice to be able to announce some info about you / your band on air.) [Dave Zachritz, Production Manager – KRCX 590 AM, Regis University, Denver, Colorado]
Cameron Lewis is doing a specialty show (“industrial,” electronic, dance, experimental, ambient, house, etc.) at the local college radio station VIC-105.9 FM, and wants to let everyone with demo tapes of this sort (or record labels with like material), who are interested in having their stuff played to 50,000 people to send promos or whatever you like (Twinkies are welcome). If you are interested, email: CLEWIS3@ITHACA.EDU.
LUKE is a DJ at his college’s station and would be more than happy to feature some homespun tapes on air…its not a big station, but at least its something… anything accepted….get back to him on email if you want to…[]
WHAT NOW is a new zine looking for DiY recordings and other stuff to review/etc. Tanja Kuzmin-Coady, 303 Nicholas Avenue, SINY 10302-1638; email:
SCREAMIN POPEYES‘ swan song is the recently released, “Pop-Icon,” Popeye’s founder Jeff Olson notes in a recent postcard. Jeff can now be reached at: 200 14th Ave., SE #304, St. Cloud, MN 56304.
RAMCO RECORDS is currently compiling a “Cook Book Compilation.” The guidelines are as follows: submit one recorded composition on DAT (preferred) or cassette (suggested length 1 to 7 minutes), one recipe for either: salad, main dish, appetizer, dessert, cocktail, or similar edible creation. Current deadline: December 20, 1994. Contributors can submit as many recipes as they like (the more the merrier), and recipes without audio contributions are o.k. as well. However, only one recorded work from each artist will be accepted, and only those who submit audio work will receive a free copy fo the final product. [Ramco Records, PO Box 2490, Loop Station, Minneapolis, MN 55402]
LONG PLAY RECORDS will be releasing new music from The Brotherhood of Lizards entitled “Lizardland.” The Brotherhood of Lizards is fronted by long-time British hometaper Martin Newell. [Long Play, PO box 55233, Atlanta, GA 30308; phone: 404-681-4915]
“A National Treasure”
cassette; Loser Records, PO Box 14719, Richmond, VA 23221
“Under No Flag”
[4-song cassette EP; Anthony Rain Starez, 1008 E. Michigan Dr., Dunedin, FL 34698]
“The Story of Sidea & Sideb — A deuteronomic Tragidramedy”
Roger Skullback’s Prose in Cannes is back with his latest work of electro-acoustic musique concrete. The thing that sets Skullback’s work here apart from other such artists is an obvious (to the listener) determination for quality. It’s evident in the packaging as well as the sounds on the tape, and while Skullback works with non-traditional sounds (in the sense of pop music, anyway), these pieces have a definite orchestrated quality to them. If you’re new to the noise/sound collage game, I could surely recommend this as a starting point to the genre, while lovers of this kind of work will appreciate the creativity alive with sound. [cassette packaged in cardboard box with foldout notes and trading cards; $7 ($8 with trading cards); Ramco Records, PO Box 2490, Loop Station, Minneapolis, MN 55402]
“West Tone Song”
Thick, polyrhythmic washes of distorted/feedbacked/processed guitar, thrashing drums and shouted vocals. The layrers of guitars have an odd structure that flirt with dissonance, oftentimes even embracing it with abandon. The b-side reminds me of “Lodger”-era David Bowie, effictively warping the cutting edge and sliding off to something new. [ASP, PO Box 24908, Oakland, CA 94623]
“David’s Bath Hour”
[ASP, PO Box 24908, Oakland, CA 94623]
“TESTicle PRESSure”
Very cool tape/zine with a great cause attached to it. The tape and zine serve to promote the bands on the Propulsion label. Cuts are taken from recently released stuff as well as outtakes from recent sessions. Bands like budda-bang!, Ism, The Six & Violence, Friction Wheel and others are featured and this tape really cooks with some balls-out thrash-influenced guitar-rock and great songs from start to finish. And as if that wasn’t enough, 1/2 the net proceeds from the sale of this tape/zine are being donated to the legal defense fund of Floridan underground comic artist Mike Diana whose comic zine “Boiled Angel” has been censored by the state and Diana has been forced not to draw any more comics, besides being subjected to fines and unannounced searches. Propulsion takes a stand here and delivers the goods. [$4.00 +2.00 shipping; Propulsion, 176 Madison Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10016]
You and Me
7″ Single; Roadrunner Records, 536 Broadway, 4th Fl., New York, NY 10012