Jim Shelley – This Haunted Life (Cassette 1992)


GAJOOB Review 1992

Add Jim Shelley to your list of highly prolific, consistently proficient DIY artists. Shelley delivers the goods one song after another on this release. It’s got a raw, Dylanesque kind of street poetry feel to it, complete with harmonica. Recorded at home, this one’s got a gritty emotional muscle. And the songs are damn good too. Highly recommended. 




dabodab is published by Briyan Frederick (aka Bryan Baker) of GAJOOB, Tapegerm Collective, Discover Zines and other sites which are now joined together here on dabodab. read more.


I feel vaguely confident that this song, created entirely out of other peoples’ loops (in the spirit of the competition) is the only one like it in this collection.Fluffy Porcupine

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