Dear Bryan, Please sign me up for a subscription to GAJOOB. We here at Tim Id have been trying to Jive off of a single subscription (there’s four of us), but I’ve decided I can spare a tenspot for something that’s worth so much more. You have provided us with an unequaled service in the form of the magazine and the compilation tapes you have released. Our radio show Now That’s Interesting, a show within the show The Musical Transportation Spree on KFAI FM has benefited greatly from all the hard work you put into your projects. Not to mention the glee I felt when the p.o. was stuffed with all those tapes, and the music on them was every bit as amazing as you made it out to be. KEEP IT UP! PLEASE!
-Greg Mathieson (1/4 of Bat Lenny), Tim Id Productions, Minneapolis, MN