Mail Art 365

I happened upon the Mail Art 365 project while reviewing one side of a split album occupied by C. Merhl Bennett.

The idea is to create one piece of mail art per day for one full year, however, the site’s organizers appear to be lenient on that particular requirement as some artists make more or less on a given day.

Over 10,000 pieces have been documented on the site since 2010. December 2020 shows a lot of holiday-oriented works.

It’s like me to sign up for something like this, excited to give it a go and taper off quickly. It’s also like me to stay with it and accomplish the feat. I thought it might be interesting to do something like this at the printshop.

The random things that brew in my head some mornings.





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The melody is ethereal, floating above the rhythm like a specter, enveloping the listener in its ghostly

dAbodAb arts

hand-crafted items from my print & craft studio