Michael Chocholak

Profile #1

In my mind, Michael Chocholak’s music was that of a true sound artist. It isn’t so much guitar , synth or electronic-based as it is based on whatever sound it was and what it became. He was a support of GAJOOB’s printed zines from issue #6 and sent a couple tapes from that time period.

Chocholak’s website describes his music as “…acoustic blues to abstract electronics, skin drum to pc.” 

Ultra Village’s Mark Griffey has a lengthy article about Michael Chocholak and his music here: https://ultravillage.com/michael-chocholak





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There seems to be structure; but it’s obliterated by a mix that strangles the music when the vocalist comes in.gajoobzine.com/albums/rrope-vienna-noise-choir-split-vinyl-1994/

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