Wood burning names under mother’s sewing machine

This was found fairly recently after the passing of dad’s sister Lavon by one of her daughters. It’s evidence of dad burning his name in the wood slats under his mother’s sewing machine.

This discovery, made under the most ordinary of circumstances, carried with it a tremendous sense of nostalgia and longing. Seeing dad’s name etched into the wood, under his mother’s sewing machine, was like opening a window to the past. It revealed a playful, adolescent side of our father that we knew as an adult was present as a child as well.

This was more than just evidence of a boyish prank, it was a tangible connection to our lineage, a symbol of our father’s early days growing up in the same house we all did. The sewing machine itself, used by our grandmother to sew countless garments and mend numerous rips and tears, added another layer of sentimentality, a testament to the strength and resilience of this family.





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