Fluxus Fone Project

I opened my phone to random callers to leave random messages on my phone.

Please feel free to participate by either adding to the sources by calling the number above and leaving a message (about anything). And/or download the current sources and create something new. If you create something, please share it with me and I’ll include it below.

Snowed In by hebephrenic. Credits: Loops by Axel Mundi Guest Artist, Fluxus Fone project-20, and Scott Carr.
Checkin’ Out the Fluxus by Briyan Frederick. Credits: music by bf baker; Fluxus Fone Project-20 voice, Don Campau Guest Artist lead guitar, Blind Mime open loops rhythm guitar & live improvised bass guitar, Dan Richert Circuit Bent Casio percussion project-19, and Mike McGary percussion.
Impossible Signal Chatter by Briyan Frederick. Credits: music by bf baker and charles rice goff III; C. Goff III Guest Artist loops, live piano improv by bf baker – blind mime ensemble, with Fluxus Fone project-20 whimsy and whatnot.
Order by Briyan Frederick. Credits: music by bf baker; electronics and samples by David Fuglewicz open loops with the Fluxus Fone Players (project-20) and bf baker Blind Mime Ensemble improvised synth and electric guitar.





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dAbodAb arts

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