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Snowed In by hebephrenic. Credits: Loops by Axel Mundi Guest Artist, Fluxus Fone project-20, and Scott Carr.Checkin’ Out the Fluxus by Briyan Frederick. Credits: music by bf baker; Fluxus Fone Project-20 voice, Don Campau Guest Artist lead guitar, Blind Mime open loops rhythm guitar & live improvised bass guitar, Dan Richert Circuit Bent Casio percussion project-19, and Mike McGary percussion.Impossible Signal Chatter by Briyan Frederick. Credits: music by bf baker and charles rice goff III; C. Goff III Guest Artist loops, live piano improv by bf baker – blind mime ensemble, with Fluxus Fone project-20 whimsy and whatnot.Order by Briyan Frederick. Credits: music by bf baker; electronics and samples by David Fuglewicz open loops with the Fluxus Fone Players (project-20) and bf baker Blind Mime Ensemble improvised synth and electric guitar.
get dabodab zine. It’s a quasi-haphazardly published print zine by Briyan Frederick. It’s an absurdly glossy zine filled with things and stuff. Plus goodies. The anticipation alone is worth the price of admission.
I believe in finding the innate truth behind the music, and bringing that forward. I listened to the feeling and rhythm, letting the tempo become ingrained on my soul. And then I sped it all up twice as fast and sang about dicks.Matthew Lee aka Sausage Boy