Mental Anguish – King Leo

King Leo otherwise known as Lee the O.G. the O.D, just approaching 9 years of age, contracted diabetes 4 years ago, controlled by insulin shots for the last 4 years, well the King seems to have decided to go off like Lion Kings do. 9 days ago he went off as usual on his daily routine in which he returned around dusk or before, but this time never returned. This is his song! RIP King Leo wherever you are.

The break represents the diagnosis of feline diabetes.

Credits: Mix Mental Anguish, Loops Mental Anguish, Omnitechnomatrix, Cystem Free Loop Project 014, Cystem V – Day loops, Scott Carr – Hebephrenic March 06 private loop artist loops, Anti Gravity Workshop open loops, melodywhore past artist loops.

Chris Phinney, Mental Anguish

We reached out to 100 or so of our closest recording artist friends to make an mp3 CD of music and discussions around the making of each track. The full album is available as a free download on the Internet Archive. An index is HERE on dabodab linking to pages of discussions. Discussions Vol. 2 is open for recordings. Submit your discussion HERE.

dabodab is conglomeration of websites published by Briyan Frederick (aka Bryan Baker) which are now joined together here on dabodab. GAJOOB, Tapegerm, Homemade Music, Discover Zines, The Joy of Print, Local Historical and others, each categorized into topics below. read more.


It is basically the sound of a man having a nervous breakdown. But I generally do some of my best work when I’m hovering on the edge of insanity.Jim Shelley

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