Syllable Count vs. Flow in Songwriting: Why the Flow Matters
SongVest: Empowering Fans to Invest in Music
SUBTOPIC(s) GearB&H Photo has kindly offered a link to the Teenage Engineering EP-133 KOII manual in PDF format.
The Retro Revival: Recording with a 4-Track Cassette Recorder in 2024
SUBTOPIC(s) 4-track cassetteIn an era where digital technology reigns supreme, there’s a growing trend among musicians and producers that harks back to the roots of home recording: the 4-track cassette recorder. Despite…
NearTao’s Guide To the Roland SP-404MKII
NearTao’s Guide to the SP-404MKII NearTao is music enthusiast and content creator who has created an invaluable guide for the Roland SP-404MKII, a popular sampler used by musicians worldwide. This…
Gamegerm is an innovative audio recording game that resides on The project engages participants by presenting them with a random assortment of Tapegerm source files, with the challenge being…
Learning to Use the SP-404mkII: A Guide for Beginners
The Roland SP-404mkII is a powerful and versatile instrument, but it can be intimidating for those who are new to the world of music production. Thankfully, there are many resources…
Citizen DJ: Making Free-to-use, Culturally Significant and underutilized Audio and Video Materials Readily Available and Accessible
SUBTOPIC(s) samplingCitizen DJ is an innovative project that fuses the cultural richness of the Library of Congress’s audio and video collections with the creativity of the public. The project’s main goal… A New Sanctuary for Independent Musicians and DJs
SUBTOPIC(s) BusinessIn the wake of SynthFest 2023, there’s buzz about a new kid on the block – Artcore. As an innovative platform dedicated to self-releasing music, Artcore has emerged as a…

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